Monday, November 29, 2010

While I'm at it...

Volunteered with RC for the Destroy All Movies!!! book release film fest a few weekends ago.  Since working only mean't handing out copies between flicks, we got to watch the films for free! Basically, the book is a guide to punk rock in the movies and on TV.  The editors did a book tour and LA was the last stop.  I got to see The Slog Movie and Desperate Teenage Lovedolls which are both beyond classic slices of early 80's hardcore in Los Angeles.  Filmmakers Dave Markey and Jordan/Jennifer Schwartz were on hand for a Q and A between the movies and Okie Dog delivered a truckload o' dogs for the large crowd. 

I wanted to go early and catch Urgh!!! - A Music War but didn't have the fortitude to spend all day inside a theater.

mmmm mmmmmm good!

While in Chandler, AZ for Thanksgiving, I found this in the Lee Lee Oriental Market.  (Their name, not mine...)

What can I say?  it appealed to the 8-year-old in me.  I'll probably give it to someone as a literal "gag" gift.  :)

Meanwhile, the market itself was awesome.  It's more of an ethnic market than just an Asian one.  They stocked stuff from Africa, Jamaica as well as South America.  I am happy to see they saw a need and filled it, because that place was sweet.  Check out the link, there are pictures.

Razorcake #59 out now!

Includes a little more Garrett goodness.  I get a top 5, a book review and a few zine reviews.  Beware of issue #60, where I just unleash.